For listening and downloading original music, go to Albums:
Expanded Oil Painting Galleries:

“Maize Queen” 2024

“Green Man” 2021

Concerts and Events
Music Licensing
Music For Entertainment
Oil Paintings
Original music played in an improvisatory style, always fresh and integrated with the audience. Allan is interactive and inclusive, and will create new extempore music on the spot as requested from listeners. No two performances are the same! House concerts, main stages, and impromptu venues are all great. He has excellent digital gear when no piano is available.
All of the hundreds of music tracks are available to be used in other works. Over the decades Allan has licensed tracks for TV shows, videos, games, re-mixes, and film. He has created tracks directly to film as well, and filled producers specific requests. Through his ASCAP publisher Green Shadow Music, any use right can be arranged. Contact Allan directly to inquire.
Many thousands of engagements have been performed, from Portland Oregon to St. Petersburg Russia. Allan gauges the audience, and draws on his large and flexible repertoire.

I've been painting and drawing since I was four, under the mentorship of my mother Martha Lou Heltzel. She was the mistress of layered composition, embedding one shape and concept within another. and an awesome draftsperson. My other art heroes are Christo, Andy Warhol, Salvador Dahli, Vincent Van Gogh, and Angela Hague, who taught me it's okay to go crazy with colors. My themes start with Our Wild Friends including Bear, Elk, Bighorns, Lions and more. I would like us all to remember them, and consider ways to preserve their habitats and travel ways as we build our homes and develop our lands. I also paint Mountain landscapes, Mushrooms, Aliens, and Abstracts. If you see something you like, please feel free to chat me up about it. I sell them off this site, but really want to connect with you as well.

Mountains Of The Heart

El Milagro Caballo

Green Man
Alies & Shrooms #1

Fields of Gold

Four Russolas

Articulated Elk

Alie's & Shrooms #2